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Meet Hawai‘i’s workforce needs of today and tomorrow


Eliminate workforce shortages in Hawai‘i while preparing students for a future different than the present.



  • Prepare professionals to fulfill statewide needs in occupations that are essential to community well-being, including education, health, technology, skilled trades and sustainability/resilience.
  • Enhance non-traditional offerings, including micro-credentials serving needs of specific groups of students, and industry certified credit and non-credit credentials, for those seeking upskilling or career change opportunities.
  • Partner with employers to ensure the necessary preparation and support for students to succeed in their careers.
  • Prepare graduates for life-long learning, innovation and entrepreneurship.


  • Size of workforce shortages in key sectors/occupations (e.g., teacher shortage).
  • Number of students with work-based learning, entrepreneurial and research experiences, and internships with a preference for paid internships.
photo collage of students
Last modified: January 18, 2023
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