
UH System Strategic Plan


First Draft

University of Hawaiʻi System

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Foundations for UH Strategic Plan 2023-2029

Third Decade

Integrated Academic and Facilities Plan

Post-Pandemic Hawaiʻi and the University of Hawaiʻi Report

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Feedback and action in 2022 inform the development of the Strategic Plan for 2023-2029.

2022 Timeline


UH-Systemwide Steering Committee


UH Internal Community


Town Halls to solicit feedback on input


First Draft with goals, strategies, tactics, and potential metrics (June - August)


External Community through survey, media, and more


First Draft (Town Halls and Consultation)


First Draft (Steering Committee)


UH Strategic Plan 2023-2029 presented to the UH Board of Regents for consideration of approval

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Establishing the Steering Committee

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Steering Committee Members

Tammi Chun, Interim Associate VP for Academic Affairs, UHCC
Kahelelani Cruz, Assistant Professor, KAP CC; Pūkoʻa Council
Christielove Espinosa, Graduate student, UHM; UH Student Caucus
Grace Funai, Counselor, HAW CC
Jan Gouveia, VP for Administration, SYSTEM
Richard Halverson, Instructor, KAP CC; ACCFSC Secretary
Debora Halbert, VP for Academic Strategy, SYSTEM
Pearl Iboshi, Director, IRAPO, SYSTEM
Amy Kunz, Controller, SYSTEM
Jaret Leong, Director, MānoaÌý´¡³¦²¹»å±ð³¾²â, UHM, Staff Council

Kalawaiʻa Moore, Assistant Professor, WIN CC
Laura Nagle, Dean, Career & Technical Education, UHMC
Thanh Truc Nguyen, Specialist, UHM; ACCFSC Co-chair
Hae Okimoto, Associate VP for Student Affairs; Director, Acad Tech Services, SYSTEM
Katrina-Ann Kapa Oliveira, Interim AVC, UHM
Kara Plamann-Wagoner, Institutional Policy Analyst, KAP CC
Kristen Roney, VCAA, UHH
Leslie Rush, Instructor, UHWO
Stephen Schatz, Executive Director, ±á²¹·É²¹¾±Ê»¾± P-20, SYSTEM
Kailana Soto, Registrar, KAU CC

Vassilis Syrmos, VP for Research and Innovation, SYSTEM
David Tanaka, Facilities Manager, HON CC, Staff Council
David Uranaka-Yamashiro, Title IX Coordinator, HON CC
Syreeta Washington, Counselor, LEE CC
Alex Williamson, Undergraduate, LEE CC; UH Student Caucus
Garret Yoshimi, VP for Information Technology & CIO, SYSTEM

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Consultation and Outreach

Input from multiple stakeholders will be a hallmark of the new strategic plan.

In consultation with the Steering Committee, the Office for the Vice President for Academic Strategy gathered input for the strategic plan through a number of different processes:

A website provides current information regarding the status of the plan.

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Summary of Results of UH Internal Survey

UH Internal Survey Results
Area Most Important 2nd Most Important
Student Completion34%12%
Workforce Opportunities14%12%
Model Indigenous/Hawaiian Serving Institution10%7%
Underrepresented and Underserved Student Success7%13%
Modernizing Facilities7%9%
Applicable Research6%6%
Improve Use of Resources5%10%
System Efficiency4%5%
Advancing Diversity3%5%
Hawaiʻi High Scholl Student Support3%5%
Civic Engagement3%4%
Seamless Transfer2%5%
Vibrant Hawaiʻi / Pacific2%3%

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Summary of Results of UH Townhalls

UH Townhalls
Top Themes
Workforce Opportunities15%
Model Indigenous/Hawaiian Serving Institution11%
Student Completion11%
Advancing Diversity9%
Supporting student success, the student life cycle, and relevant data9%
Seamless Transfer8%
System Efficiency6%
Underrepresented and Underserved Student Success5%
Existential threats5%
Workplace Climate, Support, and Safety5%
Applicable Research3%
Civic Engagement3%
Modernizing Facilities3%
Overarching functional area: Finance/Advancement3%
Overarching functional area: Research and Extension1%
Grand Total100%

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Summary of Results of External Survey

Provide the scientific and intellectual capacity to address Hawaiʻi's problems and opportunities, particularly around sustainability, energy, and climate resilience1
Educate and train Hawaiʻi residents for Hawaiʻi's jobs2
Drive economic diversification and development across the islands through research, innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology3
Increase the number of Hawaiʻi residents who have education/training beyond a High School diploma, targeting those who have been under-represented4
Increase access to more programs for students and communities throughout the state5
Sustain and support Hawaiian language, culture and people6

Question: What should UH campuses’ top priorities be to best serve Hawaiʻi? Please rank the importance of these priorities for the University over the next six years with rank 1 being the most important

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Summary of Themes from External Stakeholder Interview

Additional Points:

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Synthesis of Internal and External Input

Internal stakeholders prioritize:

External stakeholders prioritize:

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Hawaiʻi’s University for Today and Tomorrow

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Guiding Principles

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Imperative One:
Successful Students for a Better Future

Imperative Two:
Meet Hawaiʻi Workforce Needs of Today and Tomorrow

Imperative Three:
Embrace Kuleana to Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi

Imperative Four:
Diversify Hawaiʻi’s Economy through UH Innovation and Research

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Imperative One: Successful Students for a Better Future

Goal: Educate more students and empower them to achieve their goals and contribute to society.

  1. UH will increase participation in post-secondary education statewide.
  2. UH will provide all students the necessary support for them to succeed.
  3. UH will fully embrace multiple modalities of instruction that recognize changing times and widely differing student preferences, needs and goals.
  4. UH will actively monitor and report on the post-graduation success of its students.

Sample metrics: Increase the number of degrees and certificates awarded, including employer recognized credentials; Improve student success metrics including retention, graduation rates and time to degree (including recognition of part-time students). Disaggregate all student outcome by demographic groups.

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Imperative Two: Meet ±á²¹·É²¹¾±Ê»¾± Workforce Needs of Today and Tomorrow

Goal: Eliminate workforce shortages in ±á²¹·É²¹¾±Ê»¾± while preparing students for a future different than the present.

  1. UH will prepare professionals to fulfill statewide needs in occupations that are essential to community well-being: education, health, technology, skilled trades and sustainability/resilience.
  2. UH will increase non-traditional offerings that eliminate barriers of time, place, and pace for those seeking upskilling or career change.
  3. UH will partner with employers to ensure the necessary preparation and support for students to succeed in their careers.
  4. UH will prepare all its graduates for life-long learning, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Sample metrics: Eliminate/reduce workforce shortages in key sectors/occupations (e.g., teacher shortage); Increase number of graduates from fully online and adult-focused credential programs; Increase participation in work-based learning (e.g., internships).

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Imperative Three: Embrace Kuleana to Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi

Goal: Models what it means to be an Indigenous-serving and indigenous-centered institution—Native Hawaiians thrive, traditional Hawaiian values and knowledge are embraced, and UH scholarship and service advance all Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi.

  1. UH will reduce equity gaps for Hawaiian student access and success at all levels.
  2. UH will Increase employment of Hawaiians across UH, especially at faculty and executive levels.
  3. UH will create opportunities for all students, faculty, staff, executives and regents to inform their work within the UH System by learning about Hawaiian language, culture, knowledge and Hawaiʻi’s difficult history with colonization.
  4. UH will play an active role in advancing Hawaiian language, culture, and improving the lives of Native Hawaiians across the islands.

Sample metrics: Student success for Hawaiians, employment numbers for Hawaiians, engagement of UH community in this goal; impact of the betterment of Native Hawaiians

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Imperative Four: Diversify Hawaiʻi’s Economy through UH Research and Innovation

Goal: Build and sustain a thriving UH research and innovation enterprise that addresses local and global challenges by linking fundamental scientific discovery with applied research necessary for technological innovation to create jobs and advance a knowledge based economy.

UH will build out and sustain research and innovation hubs in key areas:

Each research and innovation hub will:

Sample metrics:: extramural and philanthropic funding, including in identified hubs; direct jobs created; overall economic impact of UH and its research enterprise; UH spinoff companies and jobs created.

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Next Steps

End of presentation