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Performance Measures from Strategic Plan 2015 – 2021

Infographic of Summary of Accomplishments from Strategic Plan 2015-2021 performance measures


Strategic Plan: Summary of Accomplishments


Hawaiʻi Graduation Initiative
Increase the educational capital of the state by increasing the participation and completion of students, particularly Native Hawaiians, low-income students and those from underserved regions and populations and preparing them for success in the workforce and their communities.

  • Over 10,000 degrees and certificates awarded1, representing an increase by more than 30% (+2,557) overall, and by more than 80% (+807) in STEM degrees2 over the last decade
  • System-wide weighted average retention rate3 for first-time full-time students is 71%, representing an increase by three percentage points (2010-2015)
    • While retention rates have increased by three percentage points among Native Hawaiian students, their rates continue to lag (-6%) in comparison to the overall rate.
  • System-wide weighted average graduation rate3 for first-time full-time students is 37%, representing an overall increase by eight percentage points (2010-2015)
    • While graduation rates have increased by seven percentage points among Native Hawaiian students, their rates continue to lag (-11%) in comparison to the overall rate.
  • Average debt per undergraduate completer is lower at the University of Hawaiʻi (UH 4 year: $22,280; UHCC: $12,066)4 than the average amount a public university student borrows5 ($30,030) to attain a bachelor’s degree.


Hawaiʻi Innovation Initiative
Create more high-quality jobs and diversify Hawaiʻi’s economy by leading the development of a $1 billion innovation, research, education and training enterprise that addresses the challenges and opportunities faced by Hawaiʻi and the world.

  • Extramural awards totaled $485.5 million in FY216, representing an increase of 7.8% (+35.1 million) from the prior year
  • Inventions7 increased by 20% (+11) over the last decade
  • 131 start-up businesses8 supported in FY21


Mission Focused System
Realize the University’s commitments to becoming a foremost indigenous-serving university and advancing sustainability, both of which are significant parts of our mission.

  • Currently includes over 1,000 Native Hawaiian employees and Graduate assistants, representing an increase by over 30% (+287) since 20119
  • Nearly 12,000 students enrolled in courses in Hawaiian and Indigenous Learnings, with more than half of student enrollment (57%) from the University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges10


High Performing System
Through cost-effective, transparent and accountable practices, ensure financial viability and sustainability to ensure 鲍贬’蝉 ability to provide a diverse student body throughout Hawaiʻi with affordable access to a superb higher education experience in support of the institutional mission of the university.

  • International student enrollment in credit classes increased by 12% (+220) over the last decade11
  • Nearly 2,000 degrees awarded in Health, Education, and Agriculture, representing an increase by 28% (+392) over the last decade12

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21st Century Facilities
UH students, faculty and staff need and deserve up-to-date facilities that support modern teaching, learning, innovation and scholarship. Facilities and campus environments must be safe, sustainable and support 21st century higher education expectations and practices. The university’s facilities must be fully digitally enabled; flexible in use; maintainable at low cost; energy, water and waste efficient; and supportive of deep collaborations with partners across the state, nation and the world.

  • 7.08% net zero13 achieved in FY21
  • Cumulative annual savings from efficiency projects13 have increased by 60% (+4.7 million) since FY15
  • Since FY15, nine additional buildings13 have gained LEED designation


  1. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.). Goal for Number of Degrees and Certificates.Retrieved from: /vpaa/sdm/sdem-degrees2020.html
  2. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.). STEM degrees Awarded. Retrieved from: /vpaa/sdm/sdem-stem2020.html
  3. University of Hawaiʻi (2022). Under-Represented Population (URP) Committee: Questions and Answers. Retrieved from: /offices/vp-academic-strategy/underrepresented-populations-urp/urp-committee-question-and-answers/
  4. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.) Student Loan Indebtedness Report: Undergraduate Non-Transfer Students (Academic Year 2020-2021). Retrieved from:
  5. Education Data Initiative (2022). Student Loan Debt Statistics. Retrieved from:
  6. University of Hawaiʻi (2021). UH extramural funding hauls in a near-record $485.5M in FY2021. Retrieved from: /news/2021/08/18/extramural-funding-near-record/
  7. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.) Goal for Number of Invention Disclosures, License / Option Agreements, U.S. Patents, And Startup Companies. Retrieved from: /vpaa/sdm/sdem-inventions2020.html
  8. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.). Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation: Technology Transfer. Retrieved from:
  9. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.). Number of Native Hawaiian Employees and Graduate Assistants (Faculty/Staff/Administrators). Retrieved from: /vpaa/sdm/sdem-nh-employees2020.html
  10. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.). Student Enrollment in Courses in Hawaiian And Indigenous Learnings. Retrieved from: /vpaa/sdm/sdem-hawnlang2020.html
  11. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.). Number of International Undergraduates Enrolled in Credit Courses. Retrieved from: /vpaa/sdm/sdem-international2020.html
  12. University of Hawaiʻi (n.d.). UH Degrees Awarded in Health, Education and Agriculture. Retrieved from: /vpaa/sdm/sdem-health2020.html
  13. University of Hawaiʻi (2022). Office of Sustainability: Net Zero Dashboard. Retrieved from: /sustainability/energy/dashboard/#consumption-production
Last modified: January 9, 2023
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