What We Do
The Legal Affairs and University General Counsel Office (OGC) provides legal assistance to the University of Hawai?i Board of Regents, administrators, faculty and staff on university-related issues and activities.
We work closely with the .
The Legal Affairs and University General Counsel Office does not provide personal legal advice.
Submit a Request for Legal Assistance
To submit a request for legal assistance, please use the online Legal Services Request (LSR) (Faculty/Staff Login Required). The LSR should be routed through the appropriate chancellor, vice chancellor, or vice president for approval.
Before submitting an LSR, please consider the following:
For matters related to contracts and agreements, please review Executive Policy 8.200, Policy on Contracts and Signing Authority. Note that OGC review is not required if a University Template Agreement is used and no substantive deviations or changes are made to the form template.
For matters related to real property transactions such as the use of real property owned or controlled by the University, or the use of non-University real property by the University, please review Board of Regents Policies Chapter 10 Land and Physical Facilities and Executive Policies Chapter 10 Land and Physical Facilities.
Exceptions to this procedure are
- Urgent requests requiring immediate attention, or
- If you have been served with a lawsuit.
In these cases, please contact the Office of the University General Counsel directly at (808) 956-2211.
2444 Dole Street
Bachman 101
Honolulu, HI 96822
?? (808) 956-2211
Leadership and Staff

, Vice President